Millennium Park is nearing completion of major renovations

30 May 2024, Thursday

Major repairs are nearing completion in the Millennium Park. Instead of the previous metal fence, a hedge of dogwood about 850 meters long with a new automatic watering system was installed in the public space. In total, almost 35 thousand flowers and shrubs, trees will be planted, and rolled lawn will be laid. As part of the work of the headquarters for preparation for the BRICS events, the Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin inspected the progress of work in the public space.

The old metal fence in the Millennium Park was dismantled due to its unsatisfactory condition; over time, the base of the structure began to rust and deteriorate. Instead of a fence around the perimeter of the park, a hedge of dogwood will be created. In addition, more than 31 thousand annuals, 3.7 thousand bladder senna bushes, 10 trees - lindens and thujas will be planted on the territory of the park. Now employees of the MUP "Gorvodzelenkhoz" are planting perennial and annual flowers. In parallel, the laying of the rolled lawn continues - its total area will be 48 thousand square meters. An automatic irrigation system, which was not there before, was installed along the new fence.

Over almost 20 years of operation of the park, the utility lines, as well as lighting elements, benches and urns, have become dilapidated. The networks were re-laid, 24 supports were restored, later 89 lamps will be installed in them, and street furniture and inventory were replaced with 150 units of small architectural forms.

Repairs were also carried out on the fountain. The granite covering of the structure was updated, the "Zilant" figures, which were subject to vandalism, were restored.

Let us recall that by the beginning of summer, five public spaces will be improved in Kazan. As part of the preparation for the Games and the BRICS summit, paving stones, lighting networks will be replaced in green areas, and elements of architectural and artistic lighting will be installed

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