A competition among architectural and design universities will be held in Kazan

14 September 2022, Wednesday

From September 17 to 24, the XXXI International Review-competition of the best final qualifying works in architecture, design and art will be held at the KGASU site.


The annual event will be attended by delegates from various universities in Russia and neighboring countries.


The works of the participants will be presented in the following areas: architecture, design and art. The winners will be awarded with special diplomas of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, the International Association of Unions of Architects, the Union of Architects of Russia, the National Association of Prospectors and Designers, the National Academy of Design, as well as International Awards named after L.M. Hidekel for innovative and environmental solutions in architecture, diplomas of Archiprix, the Institute of City Development, the Union of Architects of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Main architect of the city of Kazan.

Along with the competition, there will be an international scientific and practical conference "Spatial development of Russia: territory, city, building", as well as an international competition of scientific and educational literature on architecture, design and art.

Such events make it possible to assess the level of education in Russia in general and in architectural schools in particular.

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