The best residential complex in Russia is located in Kazan

6 June 2022, Monday

the summing up and awarding of the winners of the Federal Urban Awards took place in Sochi. Atlantis Deluxe from SMU-88 from Kazan was recognized as the best business class residential complex in Russia. He won in the nomination "The best business class residential complex", beating competitors from St. Petersburg and Izhevsk.

From Tatarstan, 32 projects were announced at the Urban Awards this year, 16 of which became finalists. Each project was evaluated by the jury members individually according to the following criteria: execution materials, location of the structure, architectural and design solutions, technical equipment, landscaping. The judging was conducted by an independent expert commission consisting of experienced and influential construction and real estate professionals.

The Federal Urban Awards was established in 2009 and is considered one of the most influential in the modern real estate market. It allows you to identify the achievements of residential urban real estate in Russia, promote modern standards in construction, improve the quality of the urban environment.

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