Main investing constructing Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan
The winners of the annual media competition have been determinedThe winners of the annual media competition have been determined
30 November 2021, Tuesday
The Ministry of Construction, Architecture, Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan has summed up the results of the annual media competition for the best coverage of topics in the field of construction, architecture, housing and communal services. The organizing committee of the competition reviewed 200 information materials received from journalists and editorial teams of TV channels, radio stations, print media, news agencies and network (Internet) publications of the Republic of Tatarstan.
This year, the evaluation of competitive works was carried out according to four criteria, the number of points for which was determined on a 5-point scale (from 0 to 5 points): objectivity and relevance of the problematic stated in the material (from 0 to 5 points); concreteness, clarity, meaningfulness and accessibility of presentation (from 0 to 5 points); linguistic culture, stylistics, creativity and artistry of performance (from 0 to 5 points); absence of inaccuracies, exaggerations, incompetent conclusions in publications (from 0 to 5 points).
Competition for the nominations "The best material on the topic of solid municipal waste management in the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations", "The best material on achievements in the field of architectural and construction design in the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations" due to lack of applications and the one application competition for the nominations "The best material on the application of the latest technologies in the housing and communal services of the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations", "The best material among TV channels and radio stations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the construction industry in the Republic of Tatarstan", "The best material on the modern residential development in the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations” was declared invalid. As a result of the final evaluation of the competitive works, the following winners were determined:
- in the nomination "The best material on the development of the mortgage lending market in the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations" - Shagabieva Gulnara Rasilovna, editor of the news service of Radio Bolgar TV and radio company "Novyi Vek";
- in the nomination "The best material on the development of the mortgage lending market in the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Elena Olegovna Roshchupkina, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Information Agency "Tatar-inform";
- in the nomination "The best material on the development of public spaces in the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations" - the collective "Muslyumovo-inform" - TV and radio company "Muslyumovo / Muslim";
- in the nomination "The best material on the development of public spaces in the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Yarullina Aigul Zufarovna, the correspondent of the newspaper "New Zai";
- in the nomination "The best material on the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations" - Ainur Albertovich Valiakhmetov, correspondent of the news service of the branch of State Television and Radio Company "Tatarstan";
- in the nomination "The best material on the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Tazetdinova Galina Valerievna, the correspondent of the "Avangard" newspaper of the branch of JSC "TATMEDIA";
- in the nomination "The best material on the construction of social and cultural facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations" - the collective of the TV and radio company "Saba Dulkynnary";
- in the nomination "The best material on the construction of social and cultural facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Faizova Gulia Vakifovna, Deputy Chief Editor of the newspaper "Tugan Yak" of the branch of JSC "TATMEDIA";
- in the nomination "The best material on major overhaul of social and cultural facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations" - the team of authors of TV and radio company "Nurlat";
- in the nomination "The best material on the overhaul of social and cultural facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Irina Petrovna Demina, editor of the department of economics and industry of the "Republic of Tatarstan" newspaper;
- In the nomination "The best material on the use of the latest technologies in the construction complex of the Republic of Tatarstan among TV channels and radio stations" - Inna Viktorovna Danilova, correspondent of the news service of the branch of of State Television and Radio Company "Tatarstan";
- in the nomination "The best material on the application of the latest technologies in the construction complex of the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Nigmatzyanov Fanil Nazipovich, the correspondent of the newspaper "Teluche" JSC "TATMEDIA";
- in the nomination "The best material on the application of the latest technologies in the housing and communal services of the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Rychkova Elena Leonidovna, journalist of the "Stroyexpertiza";
- In the nomination "The best material on the creation of modern residential development in the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Inna Serova, a correspondent for the news service of the Internet edition "Realnoe Vremya";
- in the nomination "The best material on the topic of solid waste management in the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Rybakova Natalya Yurievna, the observer of the information agency "Tatar-inform";
- in the nomination "The best material on achievements in the field of architectural and construction design in the Republic of Tatarstan among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications" - Olga Sergeevna Tumanskaya, editor of the socio-political magazine "Tatarstan";
- in the nomination "The best material among print media, news agencies, network (Internet) publications, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the construction industry in the Republic of Tatarstan" - Gorshkova Marina Vladimirovna, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Builders of Tatarstan".
We thank everyone for participating in the competition. We wish our colleagues success in their professional activities!
The new head was introduced today at a staff meeting at the GISU RT by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the RT Marat Aizatullin